eater of socks
The eater has struck again and he has moved beyond dirty items!!
hid your socks everyone he's coming!!!
Disclaimer: The following are works of semi-fiction. They are loosely based on fact and an over active imagintation.
The eater has struck again and he has moved beyond dirty items!!
So ....the pride parade was one of the most awesome spectically of bodacious bods.
Ok, I should be studying. but i got this email from a classmate and so i went to here's the deal, I get a free ipod if I sign up with something else (well 5 of you). So sadly i joined Columbia house. please can someone join also so i can get the ipod!!! please with sugar on top.Yes i'm procrastinating but i can't help it. yeah i'm a sucker ...whatever its an ipod and i'm poor.
So........after many months of hearing the new herd of mice within our walls i finally saw one tonight. To all those animal rights group out there...YOU MAY HAVE A NEW CAUSE. I have truly believed for the last severla months that they have been conspiring against me - to prevent me from sleeping and peace of mind. TODAY I HAVE PROOF OF THEIR INTELLIGENCE.
Random thoughts of Silly is an online venting medium. It is a source of one individual's sense expression of anger, frustration, disbelief and other emotions. Its structure allows anyone with an Internet connection and World Wide Web browser to read and comment upon it's randomness and scarcasm. These are works of fiction that are only loosely based on actual life events. Therefore, please be advised that nothing found here has necessarily been reviewed by professionals nor are they representations of truth. Please read with caution and proceed with the implicit understanding that nothing found within this blog is serious.