Sunday, June 05, 2005


So........after many months of hearing the new herd of mice within our walls i finally saw one tonight. To all those animal rights group out there...YOU MAY HAVE A NEW CAUSE. I have truly believed for the last severla months that they have been conspiring against me - to prevent me from sleeping and peace of mind. TODAY I HAVE PROOF OF THEIR INTELLIGENCE.

Here as I am typing away low and behold a small tiny rodent slips in under my doorway. It is the size of bottle cap. Really it was quite cute and much smaller than I would have expected. So, for several moments I attempted not so quietly to capture my visitor when I came to a sudden realization. I am much much to drunk to do this. So instead i climbed back onto my seat and continued typing. The moment the tapping of keys commenced again the little bugger scoots out from under my desk and dashes around the corner and under a wall. It was waiting for me to become distracted again. THAT, dear animals rights groups is a sign of intelligence and I really must admire that little bugger cause god knows i wouldnt' have had the patience to wait until the coast was clear.


At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ye gods, how much did you two DRINK last night????

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had NINE drinks this weekend!


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