The poop report
Gina: "what is that smell?" [crap...she's smelled the pot]
CkBE: "I dunno ... where'd you smell it?" [it's not me is it?]
G: "I don't know but it's right by the front door" [whew!! It's not me]
Stinky Monkey: "Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Nooooooooooooo. NOOooooooooooooooo. It's the Nibbler! MUST Chase NIblBler!!!!!!!" [Hmmm. Note to self: Bring SM Ritalin. Lots of it, maybe Lithium]
Beandog: "Just walking through. Just walk through. Is that food? I'd like food. Food please. Yes please." [Well that's weird he usual head straight for the food]
G: "Come with me and tell me if you smell it." [Crap now I have to get up off my ass]
SM: "I am the all powerful Goa'uld, you must all bow down before me!!!! HAHAHAHAHAaaa.. What just bit my tail?!! Nibbler!!!! NIBBbbleerrrrrrrrrr i will chase you till the ends of the earth. .....OH! oh! what's that! It's shiny. OHhhhhhhhhh shiny pretty!" [Definately ADD.....i wonder how he has that much energy]
G and CbKE take the long and ardious hike to the living room.
G: "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! That is poop." [No shit Sherlock....well ok it is shit]
CbKE: "yup"
G: "Who do you think did it?" [well, let's see if i can put my powers of deduction to work?....Big poop would therefore equal big dog. Therefore i must conclude that it's BEANDOG!!]
CbKE: "Well considering it's the size of Nibbler I would have to say it was Shane or Chris." [Ow!!! She didn't have to hit me.....I was just kidding]
G: hahaha VERY funny [whoa...I didn't know she was capable of sarcasm"
SM: "I'm here!!! I'm Here!!! Pay attention to me!!!!!!!!!!"
G: "Well, we're just going to have to wait for Sarcatrix to get home to clean it up cause that's just gross." [Right...Like leaving it here isn't]
CbKE: "Dont' worry about it, I'll do it"
G: "Oh well you shouldn't have to do it you should wait" [Right now that you've made me smell it and i know it's here]
CbKE: "Don't stress about it. OH look Shane's home." [well that will make her go away]
SM: "BEandog is in trouble!! Beandog is in trouble! hahahahhaa....NOooooo don't beat me Beandog.. I didn't mean it!! was nibbler yes it was nibbler"
G: "OH...hehehhe....well ok....we'll be upstairs if you need us" [Bunnies!! They are SOOO bunnies!"
Meanwhile: Nibbler sits underneath the couch with a evil smile and rubs her paws together. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahaa